Big factories use compressed air as their main source of energy because it is safe. The air we breathe has water, dirt, and other harmful things in it. There are about 140 million small particles in one cubic meter of untreated air. When air gets filtered and pressed, some oil particles go with it. So the compressed air has more than just dust and water - it also has oil and other dirty things in it. If we don't remove these harmful things, they can ruin pipes, valves, and other equipment. So, when something doesn't last long, it costs more to make and the product might not be good quality.
When we need clean and safe compressed air, we should use equipment to purify it. This equipment should get rid of bad smells and harmful things like germs. The filter that we use should also stop germs from growing, so it doesn't become a problem later. We have to be careful about this so the filter doesn't make the air dirtier instead of cleaner.
Coalescing HEPA filters take away unwanted things like water, dirt, oil and germs from the compressed air in a good way, making the compressed air the best it can be. Filters are important in systems that make air dry and clean. We use various filters to get rid of stuff like oil, dirt, germs, bad gases, and other dirty things from compressed air.
When you add really good filters to the air compressor system, it can save you money on fixing things. The filters can take out most of the yucky stuff in the air like water, dust, oil and gas. They can do this by getting rid of teensy tiny things, really hard oils and almost all of the water. The small particles in the air are very tiny, the machine takes out almost all the oil, and it can get rid of almost all the water. The air is very dry with almost no water in it and it can handle a bit of pressure drop without causing any problems. The temperature at which water would start to form is -30°C. This makes sure that compressed air is cleaned well to remove water, dirt, oil and other bad things. This helps to guarantee that equipment works safely and stays stable.