Lingyu Dryer is a well-known brand in China for compressed air treatment. We have been in this industry for over 10 years. And Lingyu has a wealth of experience in manufacturing and customization. Our main product is air compressor dryer. It includes refrigerated air dryer, regeneration dryers and coalescing filters. Our refrigeration dryers can reach a pressure dew point of 3 to 10°C. And desiccant dryers have a wide range of dew points to choose from. For example, you can choose -20°C, -40°C and -70°C. Besides, we can also customize special dryers such as explosion-proof dryers, high pressure dryers and stainless steel dryers. Stainless steel dryers have wide application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
No.3, 2nd Street, Yuanle Road, Dongsheng Town,
Zhongshan City, Guangdong, China
Our website: https://www.lingyumachinery.com/