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Properly install the precision compressed air filters

Compressed air filters make compressed air clean by getting rid of dirt, like small pieces, water drops, oily mist, and other unwanted things from the air. This makes the compressed air safe to use.

The compressed air precision filter consists of two main parts: the filter and the container. When air is squeezed and goes through a filter, tiny unwanted things get stopped in the filter. Then, the clean squeezed air comes out of the filter with just the right amount of cleanliness for different kinds of businesses.

Air filters come in different types. They need to be installed in the correct order to work properly. If they are installed in the wrong order, the air won't be as clean, and the filters won't last as long. To get clean compressed air, you need to install everything in the right order.

Types of air filters used for compressed air:

P-class is a type of filter that catches particles that are 3 micrometers or larger.

The filter can remove things as small as 1 millionth of a meter. It works at 20 degrees Celsius and leaves less than 0.1 milligrams of oil per cubic meter.

The H grade is a type of filter that can remove very tiny particles. It can filter particles as small as 0.01 micrometers. It can also remove almost all traces of oil in the air at a temperature of 20℃.

S grade filter removes oil and can filter particles as small as 0.01μm. It works best at 20℃ and leaves behind very little oil residue (≤0.001mg/m3). It should be used along with an H grade filter.

This is a filter, called Class C. It takes out bad smells and is good for compressors that use oil. It works when it is 20 degrees Celsius or cooler. The leftover oil in the air it filters out is very little, so it's very effective. It needs to be used with another filter, called Class H.

Tips for installing compressed air filters in the right order:

The principle is to start with a rough configuration and then move on to a finer one. The order cannot be changed.

Make sure that the compressed air flow, pressure, and temperature going through the filter are not higher than what the filter is designed to handle.

When installing the compressed air filter, remember where to place the intake and outflow areas.

When installing something, it should be at a specific height from the ground so that it is easier to replace or work on.

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